Pregnancy Stretch Marks: Causes, Prevention, and Treatment Tips

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Pregnancy stretch marks

Although it can be a sensitive topic for many expectant mothers, pregnancy stretch marks are likely to appear during pregnancy. They are just one of the many physical changes that occur when we become pregnant. Stretch marks typically start to appear between 13 and 21 weeks of pregnancy, although they may also develop a few days or weeks after the baby is born.

What are stretch marks and how do they look?

Stretch marks are pink, red, or sometimes even purple streaks that can appear on your belly, buttocks, thighs, hips, and breasts during pregnancy or shortly after giving birth. Over time, they typically fade to a silvery color. These marks occur because your body grows quickly, and your skin struggles to keep up. As a result, the elastic fibers beneath the skin’s surface can break, leading to stretch marks. Essentially, they are small tears in the supportive tissue layers beneath the skin, which stretch as your belly expands to accommodate your growing baby. Genetics play a significant role in the likelihood of developing stretch marks. If your mother had them, you are more likely to have them as well. It’s also believed that women with darker skin tones are less prone to developing stretch marks than those with lighter skin.

How can you prevent stretch marks?

Make changes in your diet

Stretch marks happen when you gain a lot of weight very fast. Therefore, a solution to this problem is to gain weight gradually. To do this, be sure to follow your doctor’s guidelines regarding your diet. Eat healthy meals rich in antioxidants (spinach, strawberries), foods containing vitamin E, which protects skin cell membranes (nuts, broccoli, avocado), vitamin A, which repairs skin tissues (carrots, potato, squash, mango), and omega 3, which keeps the cell membranes healthy and make your skin glow (fish oil, eggs, walnuts).

“Eating for two” during pregnancy is nothing more than a myth. It is not the quantity you eat during pregnancy that is important, but the quality of the food. So, try to eat as healthy as possible and have a balanced intake of nutrients and vitamins for you and your baby. I’ve heard of wrinkle cream working also to help the skin with nutrients. Don’t forget about the prenatal multivitamins and folic acid.

Massage your skin with moisturizers and creams

To maintain healthy and beautiful, glowing skin during pregnancy, you should reconsider your skincare routine. Many skincare products you used before may no longer be safe during this period. You need to learn what products are safe for you and your baby.
Use a moisturizer on your belly, lower back, sides, thighs, legs, or anywhere else you think you might get stretch marks to hydrate and keep your skin elastic. To do this safely, try to avoid creams containing chemical ingredients and choose skin care products made specifically for pregnant women, or even better, choose natural oils or butter: Almond Oil, Coconut Oil or Chalendula Oil are some of the best oil choices, while Organic Shea Butter or Raw Cocoa Butter are great natural butter choices.
Besides hydrating your skin, you can also massage it gently with a dry brush made from natural fibers designed specifically to exfoliate the skin, keeping it healthy, and to improve your blood flow.

Stay hydrated

Hydration is a key factor during pregnancy. Dehydration can lead to complications such as dizziness, nausea, morning sickness, acidity, heartburn, headaches, cramps, or edema. In the third trimester, it can even trigger contractions and preterm labor. You should drink at least 8 to 12 glasses of water per day to avoid all the above situations and keep your skin elastic and supple during these 9 months. It is better and highly recommended that you use a Water Filter Dispenser or a Water Filter Pitcher to the detriment of bottled water. Bottled water is not a good option for several reasons: it costs more, the chemicals from the plastic bottle can leech into the water, water bottles are a major source of waste each year, and the bottled water itself is really no different than tap water, in most cases.

Exercise regularly during pregnancy

Working out during pregnancy has various benefits, not only for your skin’s elasticity but for your whole body. Low-impact exercises, such as pregnancy yoga, low-impact aerobics, or Pilates, reduce backaches, constipation, bloating, and swelling and help prevent (and sometimes treat) gestational diabetes. Walking, brisk walking, stationary cycling, and swimming are safe and great alternatives. Remember, you must consult your physician before you exercise during pregnancy. If you plan to exercise outdoors, check that you have a bottle of water to avoid dehydration.

Is there any stretch mark treatment?

No matter how well you take care of your skin during pregnancy, sometimes you end up with a few stretch marks. Unfortunately, once they appear, they stay. Stretch marks are permanent. Fortunately, they become paler, less noticeable in time and, luckily, there are a few treatments and therapies than can make stretch marks fade and offer a more pleasant aspect to your skin.

Stretch mark removal cream

There are all kinds of stretch mark removal creams on the market, from natural butters, to skin care oils or scar fading creams. They work well on reducing the ugly look of the stretch marks, making them fade.

Laser stretch mark removal

This kind of treatment is quite expensive but it offers great results. It is a nonsurgical approach that rapidly offers a smoother and clearer skin. It works on stretch marks on all parts of your body without harming surrounding skin. Laser stretch removal is a FDA-cleared treatment that is well tolerated by most of the women. The procedure can be performed in as little as 30 minutes with minimal discomfort.

Homemade recipes and natural treatment

There are a few homemade recipes which can improve the look of your skin, like lemon juice, egg whites, sugar or potato juice. Castor oil and Aloe Vera are also effective in the treatment of stretch marks. These do not guarantee that your stretch marks will disappear. However they represent simple ways to lessen the stretch marks and to restore your skin cells.

Some women are lucky and don’t get stretch marks during or after pregnancy. If you’re not one of them, don’t worry… you’re not alone! Just think about the wonderful being who grew in your belly!

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