Work from Home Mother

Work-from-Home Mothers – Tips and Guidelines for Working Moms of Young Children

Through this article, I am addressing all work-from-home mothers. I hope that at least some of this information will help them. After a considerably long period in which both, me and my husband were busy taking care of our toddler, meeting the deadlines at work, and getting out of the house each hot summer weekend, I finally decided to make some time for myself and continue with our little project – this blog.

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Yelling at Your Child

The Effects of Yelling at Your Child

Every parent deals with stress, anger, and frustration in different ways. Some parents take a moment to step back. They recognize their emotions and find a way to calm down. Others react impulsively and loudly. Unfortunately, many parents fall into this latter group. They end up yelling at their child in the heat of the moment. It’s a sad and common reality. Too many parents raise their voices without realizing the harm it can cause. Yelling at your child may feel like a release, but it can have lasting negative effects on their well-being.

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