Babies and pets dogs

Babies and Pets – Preparing Your Dog for the Arrival of Your Newborn

For some expecting parents, having a pet (especially a dog) is actually a thing that really worries them. They usually ask themselves questions like: “Should we get rid of the dog?” or “OMG! What if our dog licks or, even worse, bites the baby?”. Well, all these questions are indeed justified but, before you take any action, you should first inform yourself about what could you do best in this situation.

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How to wash fruits and vegetables

WHY and HOW we must wash fruits and vegetables before our baby eats them

Fruits and vegetables play an important role in a balanced diet. They offer a wide range of nutrients necessary for maintaining a healthy body. Regardless of how you eat them, raw or cooked, their preparation and storage must comply with rules if we use them to prepare meals for our babies. Eating contaminated fruits or vegetables can lead to foodborne illness, also known as “food poisoning”.

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